Resources on Demographic Change

Published: February 15, 2020

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Center for Small Towns
University of Minnesota, Morris

The Center for Small Towns is a community outreach program located on the University of Minnesota, Morris campus. The center’s mission is to focus the university’s attention and resources toward assisting Minnesota’s small towns with local issues. As a member of the Minnesota Data Network, the center offers access to data, as well as training materials on accessing and analyzing data. Contact the center at (320) 589-6451.

Visit the Center for Small Towns website

Experts @ Minnesota

An interactive gateway to University of Minnesota faculty and staff experts. Search by research topic, area of expertise, or university department.

Visit the Experts @ Minnesota website

Minnesota Population Center
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is a university-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. Contact the MPC at (612) 624-5818 or [email protected].

Visit the MPC website

Minnesota Association of Development Organizations

Regional development organizations were first created in the 1960s as multi-county planning and development districts. They encourage cooperation among citizens, local government officials and the private sector. Regional development organizations are especially equipped to serve rural areas.

Visit the Minnesota Association of Development Organizations (See links to the specific regional development organization in Minnesota at the bottom of the home page.)

State Demographic Center

The Minnesota State Demographic Center offers information and resources on population changes throughout the state. Send data requests to [email protected].

Visit the State Demographic Center website

University of Minnesota Extension

In addition to translating scientific knowledge into useful, practical programs and materials, UMN Extension facilitates learning and developmental processes necessary for change in communities across the state. Statewide extension educators offer programs that reflect local concerns. Program priorities related to community development and vitality focus on building economic capacity, developing civic leadership, bridging the digital divide, and responding to demographic change. Contact UMN Extension (612) 624-1222 or [email protected].

Visit the UMN Extension website

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Aging 2030

Aging 2030 is a partnership between Minnesota’s Department of Human Services, Board on Aging, Department of Health, and other state agencies. The initiative’s goal is to prepare Minnesota for the coming age wave of Baby Boomers.

Visit the Aging 2030 web page

Minnesota Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Area Agencies on Aging provide assistance to seniors, service providers, and communities across the state.

Partners for Livable Communities

Partners for Livable Communities is a national initiative aimed at developing livable communities for all ages. It provides resources to help improve the civic engagement process for older people and engage the larger community in discussions on aging in place. Contact Partners for Livable Communities at (202) 887-5990.

Visit the Partners for Livable Communities website

Vital Aging Network

The Vital Aging Network (VAN) builds the individual and civic capacity of older adults to create vital communities in which people of all generations work together to find the balance between meeting individual needs and achieving the common good. Contact VAN at (651) 917-4652 or [email protected].

Visit the VAN website

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ICMA Next Generation Initiative

The Next Generation Initiative was developed to help local governments educate, attract, develop, and retain individuals of all ages.

Visit the Next Generation Initiative web page

Minnesota Campus Compact

The mission of Minnesota Campus Compact is to leverage the collective assets of the state’s institutes of higher education through partnerships with Minnesota communities to expand civic engagement statewide. Contact Minnesota Campus Compact at (612) 436-2080 or [email protected].

Visit the Minnesota Campus Compact website

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State Demographic Center

The State Demographic Center offers a large collection of resources, data, and reports focused on immigration in Minnesota. A separate topic area offers resources on age, race and ethnicity trends. Both sections offer interactive maps with related data.

Visit the center’s Immigration and Language web page

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Read more about demographics for cities